Saturday, October 4, 2008

Preparation : what was helpful... guide bk vs. en vivo

so it seems like as far as what i brought i did pretty good.. (you can see my packing list at here (that was my travel planning website). i forgot one language book on verbs that i really wish i brought.. other than that, i dont think i brought too much or too little for my own needs... so im quite proud of myself... one thing i didn't necessarily do on purpose, but was quite helpful are the jackets and pants i brought have lots of zippered/buttoned pockets...

so in the guide books they mentioned about never flagging down a taxi or get into one that you did not call for first... even two other people (including a peruvian one that lives in lima) told me not to do that... however while i've been here in trujillo that's pretty much all we've done (well my spanish teacher does it, and i just get in the taxi heh).. but i've been safe so far... she said the key thing is to look for an ID hanging, look for phone numbers and an agency name, and she takes a subjective judgement of how the taxi driver looks...

another advisement is to not drink the water.. which i've been very good at not doing.. AND i haven't gotten sick yet... first week and no sickness.. actually i was a little sick before coming here.. (bad sushi in torrance?? tho my mom and brentt did not get sick)... anyway i'm mostly careful... most of you know about my strange phobia of worms and freakiness about parasites... and even the thought of taking a shower in water that you're not supposed to drink is weird to me... actually i already had to get used to drinking it after its been boiled (the whole time in my mind i'm feeling like im drinking cooked amoebas)...

the other thing the guide book mentioned (and other websites) is that they only give 3 mo visas... ) i told the guy im volunteering for 9 months and he gave me a 6 mo visa!! nice eh!

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