Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Not sure if I should be posting this since it's a personal matter (though I've posted on other personal feelings)... but I figured it's all a part of my traveling experience, so maybe I'll just comment on it really quick...

It's an obvious statement to say that long distance relationships are hard.. and i think taking on the challenge of keeping one up for the amount of time that i'll be gone was a bit overconfident... going that long without that physical presence is not very natural and no matter how often you talk on the phone or skype, the emotional connection is impeded upon... you're definitely not getting your needs met on either level...

no matter how much you love each other, it's not fair to either to put through i think.... and the strain of all of this is a recipe for disaster I think... a potential disaster that could affect any sort of future at all in that relationship...

so that being said... brentt and I have broken up... before any disasters happening... things can be re-evaluated when I return to the states... though my travels plans continue for the next 2 years (with a few short term stays in the U.S.), so it'll be a long wait...

1 comment:

SuBri said...

Long distance is hard, especially if it's gonna be a long long distance.
I never managed to keep one going.
It's the lack of body contact and most of all, not being able to look the other in the eye (skype does not count).