Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Another successful afternoon (and it's still only 2pm!)

So... I had a successful shopping trip.... I flagged down my first 2 taxis (ida y vuelta... aka 'round trip' from home to downtown... hrm.. and i should probably reiterate here that there is an art to this because in guide books they tell you not to do this at all.. the reality is that you can, but you just have to be careful about which cab you choose)... found markets and supermarkets in a country where there are hardly any street signs (yeah i've mentioned the few street signs that have beer endorsements on them, but majority of the streets have NO signs)... and some of the time people tell you the wrong direction...

got some meds I needed to get from a farmacy... the farmacy was interesting... oh heh, just realized i spelled pharmacy wrong.. anyway, you may notice grammar and spelling worsen as i learn more spanish and start possibly using spanglish heh... i digress.....

so.. when i went to pay with my credit card, she told me i need to show id.. and i didn't have it so she wouldn't let me purchase the meds.. so i went to the atm (which also involved asking several people where to go) and got money and when i came back she kept saying something that sounded like flowdeh... "hay mucho flowdeh"...but i smiled and nodded...when i got home i figured out she was saying 'fraude'.... "there is alot of fraud"... heh.. nice... meds are super cheap here.. got brand name medication that would normally have costed me $35 (or 25??) for 3 mo supply with good insurance... here its just about that much without having insurance for the same brand name.. plus you really don't need to have a prescription to get meds here.. you just go to the farmacia.. tell them what you need.. and they give it to you.. very easy...

i talked down some stretchy pants from 10 soles to 9...

had two tasks i didn't accomplish downtown
1. socks - found some i wanted to use for poi.. but i went to search a little more and when i came back the lady was at the bathroom or something and wasn't there.. so i just left.. oh well
2. post office - i have a couple post cards i want to send (it's pretty expensive, so i think the whole time i'm here, i'm only sending 3... to my mom, to a, and to brentt (which has mesgs for others)... sorry to everyone else!! I dont have income, so you'll have to understand! ----Anyway, at this point i was mentally exhausted and was ready to just get going home...there are some businesses that have these siesta times when they're closed (ugh forgot what the word for this is, cuz it's not siesta).. and i didn't want to take the risk of walking all the way there and it not beign open..

not sure if all of this stuff sounds really basic or what... but in a different language, in a country where it's not really so easy to figure out...(and theres the safety issue as far as transportation) i'm really quite proud of myself heh... =) baby steps =)

i have yet to take the combi or micro on my own! As boring as that may be, i may blog about it heh...

I feel good today.. probably also because i did yoga last night... =)

1 comment:

Akasha said...

Can you just ask for vicodin?