Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Conditions and Politics

So... in the town where SKIP works.. theres an area called Alto Trujillo.. or maybe i was in El Porvenir.. it was hard to figure out where I was walking around.. but there are parts where there is no running water nor electricity... Even the homeless in Los Angeles have access to a shower, food and electricty... there are houses with dirt bricks.. a metal piece for a ceiling... dirt floors.. buckets for water... a hole for the bathroom...

the intake form even asks questions about electricty and water ... for electricty, it gives the option to choose candles...

on average the whole family makes about 200 soles a month (which is about $67).. and this is to house/feed about 7 people...

EDIT: so i take that back... i got more history on Alto Trujillo and El Porvenir.. apparently Alto Trujillo is doing alot better than El Porvenir... and Alto Trujillo is getting more resources because the mayor is actually doing stuff...


Oh.. i'm not sure if i mentioned yet that i saw a political rally.. hrm.. now as i'm typing i feel like i did type about it.. or maybe it's in my flickr pictures... either way.. some other interesting information.. so apparently voting is not a priveledge here, it's MANDATORY... you get fined if you don't vote and not voting could affect other things like owning a house, getting a visa, etc... also, you have to come back to your home city to vote even if it's 8 hours away (however, someone recently told me you could change that address)...