Thursday, November 27, 2008

My shopping list

So, this is mainly for my own record keeping, since this is pretty much what I've been regularly buying, and rather than having to think of the list every time, I just have to refer to here....
.....but if you're curious about what happens to be on my shopping list..

Tottus (supermarket):
Aji salsa (spicy stuff)
Cream cheese
Soy milk
Potato chips (my splurge)
Quinoa oatmeal
Cracker snacks
Tuna (when i really need some protein)
Cut veggies (when i'm feeling lazy)
Won't need for a while: jasmine tea, honey, quinoa, butter, olive oil, chocolate ice cream (my other splurge), vegetable broth cubes, aji pepper

Hermalinda (huge local market, where veggies,fruits,etc, are super cheap.. it's a pretty amazing place, like there are isles devoted to one thing.. one isle you'll see 20 diff types of bananas, and literally thousands of them..probably more than thousands; isles like 15 feet high and a block long).. and then in another isle thousands of onions... in another isle, thousands of potatoes)....

Lady outside the house:

Other store near house:

1 comment:

Michael Spiegelman said...

Lizette, did you actually blog your shopping list? What's next, a layout of your sock drawer? :)